***Admetus*** ***Alonzo*** ***Asparagus*** ***Augustus*** ***Bill Bailey*** Bombalurina ***Bustopher Jones*** ***Cassandra*** ***Coricopat*** ***Carbucketty*** ***Cat Morgan*** ***Demeter*** Deuteronomy ***Electra*** ***Etcetera*** ***Exotica*** ***Fireforfiddle*** ***George*** ***Ghengis*** ***Griddlebone*** ***Grizabella*** ***Gus*** ***James*** ***Jellylorum*** ***Jemima*** ***Jennyanydots*** ***Jonathon*** ***Macavity*** ***Mistoffelees*** ***Mungojerrie*** ***Munkustrap*** ***Peter*** ***Plato*** ***Pouncival*** ***Quaxo*** ***Rumpelteazer*** Rumpuscat ***Rum Tum Tugger*** ***Skimbleshanks*** ***Sillabub*** ***Tantomile*** ***Tumblebrutus*** ***Victor*** ***Victoria*** Oh! Just had to add, relationships in the movie DO NOT have to be kept up here, but can be if you want to. The ball DID happen, and will again this year, but no one will die. They will be "refreshed", (::hehe::) only because then that person couldnt play here anymore. They'd go, and come back a day or so later, completely healed of anything wrong. And all relationships are NOT picked by Old Dude. Love is real even for jellicles, and so I believe they can create thier own relationships! Origional Characters Zoe~ Rumpuscat's daughter. Jewel~ Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer's daughter. Like her parents, she will eventually be one notorious cat! |